"We want beer" … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

"We want beer" … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Blog Article

I look at a black and white photo from social media.

Maybe ... United States ... 1950.

And i see ... sort of a strike ... with lots of men protesting ... for ... "We want beer".

I look at their faces ... and i smile.

It is really ... an interesting protest.

But ... i see only the photo.

No description.

No details.

It is presented as a weird funny episode from those times.

Most certainly a real strike.

And .... somehow i start to understand ... analysing deeper the photo, feeling is real, but not having any details about it, that ... the human being is really dominated by the nonsense.

Of course... many would disagree with me.

The funny thing is that ... few years ago ... ... when i was still drinking alcohol... i would agree such a protest ... and find it logical.

And ... i really loved the beer.

But ... not anymore.

Today ... the beer is not an addiction for me.



So ... i find the photo itself ... ridiculous.

The protest itself ... weird.

I even ask ... how the hell those men can organise such a meeting asking for beer?!

It's a nonsense.

Most probably ... not drinking alcohol anymore ... all my perceptions related to the subject changed.

This "We want beer" ... sounds weird.


Yes ... even ... pathetic.

The example itself ... might look silly ... but believe me it's not.

I am the clear evidence of how a human being can deeply change the perceptions.

... in contradictory ways.

Finding ... in different moments of life ... the same event as logical and normal ... but also illogical and extremely stupid.

Today ... i am totally against alcohol.

But ... i don't mention my opinions anymore .... finding it useless ... but also realising that many people will hate me ... hearing what I really think.


So ... i shut up.

I keep analysing the photo with the men ... saying "We want beer" ... and even if i don't agree with such a protest .... I am 100% sure that many would say the same about ... what i want.

... from myself.

Or ... from life ... and society.



And meditating more and more ... i dare to ask ... am i so ridiculous too?!

I mean ... like these men asking for beer .... while speaking into my mind with the Universe saying .... "I want ... i want ... i want ..."

Most certainly... yes ...

But ... i just can't admit it ...





Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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